Thursday, 23 July 2009

What sells on eBay

How do I find the really hot products as a seller on eBay?
It can't be emphasised enough that the only way to find out what sells on eBay is to do your RESEARCH first. If you do proper research you will KNOW what products are selling well, and likewise those that are not.

EBay provide a number of tools to help in your research, so use them, and use them often, they will become like friends, providing you with quality information in a few clicks of the mouse. Once you have this information, it will be a whole lot easier to decide what sells on eBay, and what doesn't, and what product you'll leave 'til another day.

OK so far - now what?
The first, and easiest method you can use, and the one we'll concentrate on today, is to find out exactly how many of a particular product have been sold, how much they were sold for, and who bought them. This will help you decide if the product you've chosen to sell on eBay will actually sell, or not.

To start the research, login at eBay. If you know the product you want to look up, just go to the category, click on sub-category and arrive at page 1 of the listing. If you aren't quite sure what to choose yet, go through the categories and sub-categories until you find one you like. If you are new to this, it's better to select something you're familiar with, it might make it easier to start with.

I've done that - what next?
When you reach page 1, look down the right hand side at the time left for each item. What you are searching for are products with some time still remaining -10 - 25 days is ideal, and it's these items that are of interest to us. The listings are made up in order of best selling items, so if they're on page 1 AND still have a long time to go, it means they are 'hot' products.

Will my product be hot or not?
To see just how good or bad they are, click on one of the items and it will take you to the Sellers information page. Here you will see further details of the product, the quantity that are left, and a link that says 'purchases'. Click on purchases and it will take you to the Buyers History page. This page is where you will see exactly how many of these items have been sold, when they were sold, and to whom they were sold. That is priceless information. Once you have this you can work out the likelihood of your product selling well, or not. You can do this with any product, in any category. If a product is selling really well you may decide to try and source the same item yourself, and sell it a bit cheaper!

The other research methods, such as eBay Pulse and Advanced Search will be covered in later posts.

What can I do now?
Check out some of the other posts on this blog for further information, or if you want to find out how you can start your own full or part-time eBay online auction business and earn between £350 - £2,500 a WEEK from your kitchen table, follow the link below.

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